We have hosted some terrific outings in the Kerry Biosphere and beyond with the outlay of our Autumnal Series. The Series was made possible through fuding from the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Kerry County Council through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund. We had a marvellous visit to Gortbrack Organic Farm, Tralee with host Ian McGrigor. Ian led us through his farm with great enthusiasm and wit, with attendees in awe of the workings of the farm and it's produce. The outing also highlighted the biodiversity value of farming in sympathy with nature. Particular highlights at the farm included pond dipping, foraging, and 'ditch sitting!'.
Our Biodiversity Conference was held on Saturday 9th September in the glorious Killarney House Garden Room. Despite the soaring temperatures and blue skies in Killarney on the day, attendees were more than glad to join us and enjoy the presentations. We were joined by Dr Therese Higgins who guided us through the various native broadleaved woodlands that the Biosphere boasts, and the challenges facing these important habitats. Dr Barry O'Donoghue's presentation on'talmhaíocht' examined the relationship between farming and nature and gave the audience great insights into the history and current land use in the region. We were also delighted to be joined by Louise Byrne, Louise is one of the main drivers behind the Killarney Coffee Cup Project. Great interest in sustainability and our carbon footprint was amassed from Louise' effort. Our afternoon session was rounded off with famialiar faces, and advocates for biodiversity in Ireland, Éanna Ní Lahmna, and Anja Murray. Both Éanna and Anja delivered insightful talks on our varied and wild biodiversity, and the rarity of our habitats and species. The Kerry Biosphere Reserve would like to extend warm thanks to those that attended our events, and for your continued support of the Biosphere.