

In December, the Biosphere welcomed the new Biosphere Officer for the Kerry Biosphere Reserve. Brendan Kirwan has replaced Eleanor Turner and will continue the good work that Eleanor developed in the reserve. Prior to undertaking the role of Biosphere Officer, Brendan worked as an ecologist for ten years. Brendan will work with local communities, landowners, and businesses within the Biosphere reserve to create and promote action-based biodiversity projects in the reserve. Brendan’s work will focus on creating and promoting actions that support the aims of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme.

In addition to developing ongoing projects, Brendan will create new community led projects, working closely with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Kerry County Council. The first order of business for the new Biosphere Officer will be the launch of the Kerry Biosphere Reserve booklet. This 32 page booklet provides valuable information on the Kerry Biosphere, including background information on Biosphere reserves and the significance of the Biosphere designation. The booklet will be available throughout Kerry in tourist offices and amenity hubs, libraries, and businesses within the county.

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